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2006-05-22 [Lady of Lore]: Yay! ^_^
2006-05-30 [Cia_mar]: i wil have to put together something but i do not know how to make my whole page show up to show what to select and such like urmando did... is it even possible with ms paint> i may just have to write one out and use as many graphics as i can... ={
2006-05-30 [Lady of Lore]: hmm you could ask him what he did or how he did it that way he did. Hmmmm...we'll figure something out, I gotta fly though cuz my sweetheart's here, bye!
2006-06-13 [Asrun]: Lady of Lore, can you please link The Critique Board as well as Asrun's Tutorials? :D
2006-06-13 [Lady of Lore]: sure thing! ^^
2006-06-13 [nathie]: aaaw, yep! thanks! cool! :)
2006-07-14 [moonscale]: Is there a "help" corner? For questions.
2006-07-14 [Lady of Lore]: front desk ^^
2006-08-10 [Dr.Mandarian]: I would have got a little unofficial tutorial about inventing Fantasy names! How To Invent Your Own Fantasy Names...
This would actually fit in here, as modest contribution! ( If it's not too provisional, as yet )
2006-08-10 [Lady of Lore]: its a welcome addition ^_^
2006-10-03 [Cia_mar]: yeah i made my first tutorial!!!! lol... i hope to make more but they are time consuming so i don't know if i will yet!
2006-10-03 [Dr.Mandarian]: Where here in this wiki shall I place the link for my How To Invent Your Own Fantasy Names wiki? Ehm, only for it isn't strictly about art or painting techniques, as the other tutorials here...
2006-10-03 [Cia_mar]: i would seperate it like the one for nathies photoreferences and give it it's own section ... i don't think Lady of lore would mind... and if she does then the worst thing would be that whould happen is it gets moved elsewhere! lol
2006-10-03 [Dr.Mandarian]: * blushes * I messed with the brushes, when I tried to put in the link to my Fantasy Name tutorial. I think I need some rocket scientist, to fix that, again.
2006-10-03 [Lady of Lore]: lol, no problemo Mandarian. And Yay Cia ^__^
2006-10-03 [Cia_mar]: lets see if i can help...
2006-10-03 [Dr.Mandarian]: Thanks for the help. If I see such clusters of html I feel like 'Commander Data' with a disfunction, suddenly!
2006-10-03 [Cia_mar]: lol.. i understand... but i think it is fixed now!
2006-10-03 [Dr.Mandarian]: Ahh, yes! Now everything looks in order again! * takes cardiac pills *
2006-10-03 [Lady of Lore]: lol Mandarian, like this? http://databso
2006-10-03 [Dr.Mandarian]: * brays * Yes, exactly. - lol - This is like he's getting his emotion module and runs hysterical, then ( laughing about a joke, suddenly, when he understands it's clue, after three days )
2006-10-03 [Lady of Lore]: lol ^^
2006-10-03 [Cia_mar]: hee that is funny! i wonder if that ws ffrom out takes or something! lol
2006-10-03 [Lady of Lore]: I dunno, that website has some crazy stuff ^^ My friends keep emailing me things from it ^_^ I added a few other crazy video links to my diary....
2006-10-03 [Cia_mar]: it is funny!
2006-10-03 [Dr.Mandarian]: And it just inspired me to maybe name my cat 'Spot' if I will have one living with me, again. * chuckles *
2006-10-03 [Lady of Lore]: lol, aww little Spot...^^
2006-10-03 [Cia_mar]: cool ... spot! that was a cool name wasn't it?
2006-11-16 [Dr.Mandarian]: Woooh! * falls from his easy chair * You used my Puss-in-Boots for this section?
* is amazed by epic proportions * Never expected that to happen, really! Such a real honour! Thank you!
2006-11-16 [Lady of Lore]: ^___^ Puss in Boots is awesome ^_- You're welcome!
2006-11-16 [Dr.Mandarian]: Thanks a lot! ^___^ But... now when I look at it it screams a bit for colour, still, somehow - I mean how it splishes and splashes with paint, attached to it's paws. Shouldn't it even look better with colours?
2006-11-16 [Lady of Lore]: I dunno..colors are good but there's something about this that I really like ^_^ and its not like we can't change it later on ^_-
2007-01-24 [nathie]: hi! me again! i have two hair color tutorials new here:
bad hair day tutorial can i post it here too?
2007-01-25 [Lady of Lore]: Please do! ^_^
2007-01-25 [nathie]: done! :)
2008-06-07 [Lady of Lore]: Gonna polish this wiki up ^_^
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